“use strict”; in JavaScript
Definition: The strict mode shows more warnings and makes JavaScript a cleaner language by applying some restriction on it.
How to enable strict mode :
1.Use top of the JS file or <script> tag
'use strict';
//rest of the code
2.Use top of the function block(Enable only for function)
function getData(){
'use strict';
//rest of the code}
Restriction on use strict mode
1. Undeclared variable is not allowed: All variables must be explicitly declared in strict mode. This helps to prevent typos.
function strictFunc() {
'use strict';
strictVar = 123;
strictFunc(); // ReferenceError: strictVar is not defined
2. Deleting an object is not allowed.
'use strict';let obj = {subject: 'JS'};
delete obj; // throws an error
3. Functions in Strict Mode
Functions must be declared at the top level of a scope:
function strictFunc() {
'use strict';
if (true) {
// SyntaxError:
function nested() {
Function declarations should not be placed in blocks. Use a function expression or move the statement to the top of the outer function.
function strictFunc() {
'use strict';
if (true) {
// OK:
var nested = function () {
Stricter rules for function parameters:
Function parameter names should be unique and using the same parameter name twice is forbidden. So in strict mode duplicate argument names are a syntax error.
"use strict";function hello(p1, p1) { console.log('hello')}; // !!! syntax errorhello();
The value of this
in non-methods functions is the global object. In case of non-strict mode.
function nonStrictFunc() {
console.log(this === window); // true
If a strict mode function is executed using function invocation, its ‘this’ value will be undefined.
function strictFunc() {
'use strict';
console.log(this === undefined); // true
4.Setting Immutable Properties Fails with an Exception in Strict Mode
Illegal manipulations of properties throw exceptions in strict mode. For example, attempting to set the value of a read-only property throws an exception
var str = 'abc';
function nonStrictFunc() {
str.length = 7; // no effect, silent failure
console.log(str.length); // 3
function strictFunc() {
'use strict';
str.length = 7;
// TypeError: Cannot assign to read-only property 'length'
5.Unqualified Identifiers Can’t Be Deleted in Strict Mode
In non-strict mode, you can delete a global variable foo
like this:
delete foo
In strict mode, you get a syntax error whenever you try to delete unqualified identifiers. You can still delete global variables like this:
delete window.foo; // browsers
delete global.foo; // Node.js
delete this.foo; // everywhere (in global scope)
6. Assigning to a getter-only property is not allowed.
'use strict';let obj2 = { get x() { return 17; } };// assignment to a getter-only property
obj2.x = 5; TypeError: Cannot set property x of #<Object> which has only a getter"
7. Assigning to a new property on a non-extensible object is not allowed.
'use strict';let obj = {};
Object.preventExtensions(obj);// Assignment to a new property on a non-extensible object
obj.newValue = 'new value'; TypeError: Cannot add property newValue, object is not extensible"
8. The variable name arguments and eval are not allowed.
'use strict';let arguments = 'hello'; // throws an errorlet eval = 44;
You cannot also use these reserved keywords in strict mode.
9.Features That Are Forbidden in Strict Mode
Two more JavaScript features are forbidden in strict mode:
1.The with
statement is not allowed anymore (see The with Statement). You get a syntax error at compile time (when loading the code).
2. No more octal numbers: Outside strict mode, a number beginning with a 0
, such as 0644
, is interpreted as an octal number (0644 === 420
) For example:
console.log(010 === 8)
- In strict mode, you get a syntax error if you use this kind of literal:
function f() {
'use strict';
return 010
}SyntaxError: Octal literals are not allowed in strict mode.
In ECMAScript 2015, octal literals are supported by prefixing a number with “0o
"; for example:
var a = 0o10; // ES2015: Octal
3. In ECMAScript 5 strict-mode code, duplicate property names were considered a SyntaxError
'use strict';
var obj = { p: 1, p: 2 }; // syntax error prior to ECMAScript 2015
Benefits of Strict Mode
The use of strict mode:
This is handy when you are working with a legacy code base where switching on strict mode everywhere may break things.
- helps to write a cleaner code
- changes previously accepted silent errors (bad syntax) into real errors and throws an error message
- makes it easier to write “secure” JavaScript